Get SuperPowered™Activation: 3 Month Program
You Already Hold the Power to Create a Magnificent Life.
… What's Holding You Back ?

In this 3 month Get SuperPowered™Activation, you will:
Experience a 3 month customized Initiation & Activation to Explore and Uncover your Greatest SuperPowers
Clarify & Claim the Energetic Signature of your Heroic-Mythic Self
Begin to Anchor that Signature into your Physical Body and Subtle Energy Structure
Experience the Energetic Vibration of your SuperPowers
Visualize and Deliver on the Expression of your SuperPowers in the World
Uncover what Holds You Back from fully Expressing your SuperPowers
Release the Energetic Blocks, Residue, or Karmic Holding that Constrain You
Begin to Rebuild & Realign Your Subtle Energy Structure to hold Your New Expression
Pivot into Innovative & Inspirational Action Steps to Unleash your SuperPowered Expression
Develop Support Systems to Manifest Your SuperPowers in your Life and
Gain Clarity & Confidence as you Begin to Live into your Big Bold Epic Life!
Get SuperPowered™ to Have More Meaning, Impact & Abundance!
Work with Dr. Holly Woods and Be Initiated into Your Super Special Gifts & Activated into A Fuller Expression of Your SuperPowers in this Lifetime!
Realign With & Start Living from Your Authentic Divine Nature.
Begin to Realize & Manifest Important Facets of Your Epic Life Now.

Because you’re a Unique, One-of-a-Kind Evolutionary Being, your experience in this program won’t be like any other experience you’ve had, or anyone else’s experience. It will be a One-of-a-Kind Customized program just for you. And, in this work with Holly, you WILL:
Directly contact your inconceivable Magnificent Self, through guided visualizations, meditations, energy work, and intuition
Uncover the patterns of your past and how they reflect your sacred essence AND your childhood wound
Uncover Shadow parts that no longer serve you in their current form
Negotiate and relinquish limiting beliefs
Integrate repressed sub-psychic selves and Shadow elements to create a whole Being
Let go of lifetime patterns, habits and wounding that keep you small
Imagine, envision and act from your Magnificent Self
Create dynamic pivots into your inconceivable future
Develop and begin to implement innovative quantum plans and
Create holographic support structures to see you into your new existence.
You will also receive:
Six 90-minute biweekly sessions with Dr. Holly Woods
Email support as needed
Biweekly laser coaching phone sessions
“Just in time” customized homework based upon your progress and rigorous human and spiritual development approaches
Regular intuitive insights and energetic assessments
Updated frequencies and energetic adjustments based on your progress
Additional resources and referrals to support your activation and
Access to Dr. Woods’ multiple modalities based in the science of consciousness and neurobiology, human development, spiritual activation, brain entrainment, and many other fields.
What Happens After You Register?
- You will receive an email to schedule your first biweekly 90-minute session with Dr. Holly Woods.
- You will receive confirmation of your Session.
- You will receive an email with special instructions and customized pre-work to get started.
- You SHOW UP to work with Holly and be Ready to Get SuperPowered™.
- Forever, your life will be more alive, energized, inspired, meaningful, impactful and fulfilled!
What People Say About Working with Dr. Holly Woods:
Work with Holly benefited every sphere of my life - relationships, work life, and how I see myself. Plus creating my new business. I have more impact now than ever before. Holly masterfully creates a trusting container for deep work. She is empathic, loving, understanding and shows an unparalleled support. Holly opened some important doors for me and guided me with the exact steps I needed to take to enter through those doors at my own pace.
I've been given a map, a way of observing and tying together the loose ends of all the things I do that allows me to have more focus, and be more introspective and clear on how my gifts are expressed. I enjoyed Holly's teachings from various wisdom and self development paradigms.
For the first time in years I feel creatively inspired and excited about life. This work has really woken me up. My creative blocks are virtually gone! I’ve opened the doors to true love. I’m no longer willing to hide. Holly is insightful, highly intuitive, delightful to work with, funny, strong, and a real loving soul. I love that she held me accountable, yet supported me through some seriously rough patches. If you are ready to wake up and start living your true purpose, I highly recommend Holly. If you prefer to live in delusion, choking on your mind, then I would run for the hills.
Holly understood where I was in my search for a purposeful life. It was deeply spiritual and earth-moving transformational work in areas I didn't expect. I felt so relieved to relinquish the beliefs and roles that limited me. Holly gave me confidence, accountability, courage, and faith in the possiblity that my life could be different. I'm excited to be moving forward in my new business.
I learned from this work with Holly that my skills are invaluable in ways I never imagined. I learned to expand my contributions of "what I do" by acknowledging my gifts and moving through my doubts. Holly was insightful, encouraging, and a great mentor. I am more at peace now.
“I feel hope, not so constrained. I was tied up with ropes. This was so good, I’m feeling so full with possibility! I know how to move forward and am making phone calls tomorrow!”
I am braver, more able to challenge myself and believe I have the capacity to move beyond my small self. I feel safe and have a place for human experience to rest. Holly inhabits that space with such grace; I am drawn into higher perspectives and evolution without even knowing it. She listens and intuitively guided me more than I was aware. Holly has a wide and inclusive perspective, is warm and compassionate and catches the smallest seemingly insignificant things that come through and unwraps the gems hidden there. She is such a pleasure to be with; everytime we met I felt lifted and expanded in ways that no one else could offer.
Holly helped me move through some remaining pieces that were between me and being of service - whether it was interpersonal, developmental, professional or spiritual. Holly is a holistic coach, and it seems there is no terrain she can't travel. She's a truth teller, one of her most powerful gifts, so open your heart and ears, and you'll receive what is important to hear next. She holds space for you to find your truths gently and clearly held so you don't get too far off track!
I see myself truly accomplishing things I would have previously just seen as dreams. I am on track and am making things happen. Being on purpose has had a huge impact on my life. I am creating projects for my future, and not just doing what I need to do to get by.
I have a much better outlook on myself, my capabilities and my business as a result or our work together. I liked the practical homework and pragmatic actions to be taken post session. I'm better off for having worked with Holly and my outlook on life and my outlook on my business is dramatically improved.
I’m relating to life from a soulful and purposeful place- it’s like having saturated color in a world that could often appear drab. I feel a freer expression of joy and love, curiosity, experimenting, the deep trust and feeling of home.
Holly helped open me to a whole different way of being in the world, with a whole other world of gifts, capacities, and insights.
Holly's professionalism, guidance, intuition, humor, sensitivity, deep love & care, and the way she stretched me during our work together, helped me to gain more clarity and to integrate my commitment to purposeful work. Holly’s insights helped me to tap into the nuance of my unique gifts that I must share with others.
Since work with Holly, I'm collaborating and have more peace through the support. I am more conscious of my limiting beliefs. I loved Holly's demeanor, her energy, her warm heart, I felt that I could be so open with her. She was spectacularly insightful and intuitive with her guidance.
I am more independent and have more empathy, compassion, desire to do something creative with my life, and use my keen wit and gift for turning lemons into lemonade. Working with Holly benefited me in a multitude of ways. More than I can describe in this brief space but I will say it has been a godsend.