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The Truth about Self-Loathing (and How to Cure It)

I’ve parented four teenagers, and am still in the process of raising two. One of whom just went to college, so my level of influence on her is quite limited, but there’s still the sense that I have some role in her life, even if mostly to support her in her own path....

How to Face Your Fears Without Needing a Flashlight

I learned, in my recent move across the country, that I have an obsession with flashlights. I counted twelve flashlights total once I unpacked everything on the California side of the move. A few were still in their packaging, and some had expired batteries. That’s a...

On Being Naked and Ready for the Leap

I’m taking a leap. It’s a leap of faith, basically, that my life will be as good as it is now on the other side of the leap. And I know it will, but it doesn’t mean it’s been easy, or there hasn’t been serious stretching involved. And here’s the leap. In...

How to End Difficult Conversations in Record Time

I have a colleague who practices the Japanese martial art aikido, and after many years of practice finally earned his black belt in his late 60’s. He attributes the delay in earning this distinction to the fact that it took him a long time to overcome the habit of...