Amplify Your Life with the SuperPower Principle
The SuperPower Principle suggests that you can apply your experience of your SuperPowers to any area of your life, so that your entire life becomes an Epic experience.

What Psychic Capacity and Space-Time Have to do With Your SuperPowers
I’ve been digging into the work of Nassim Haramein and the Resonance Foundation recently to beef-up my own understanding of the contemporary thinking about Unified Physics and how to apply it in my work.
Because I work with clients who want to bring their nuanced Purpose and SuperPowers into the world to have bigger impact AND more abundance, I wanted to tap into the new theories of physics to see how they dovetail with the transformational sciences and ALSO the esoteric principles of spirituality and psychic phenomena.
I LOVE it when various disciplines all flow in the same direction.
I want to offer you a very short list of the basic precepts of Unified Physics, to prevent your eyes glossing over, so hang with me.
The new Unified Physics principles help us relate to using psychic phenomena and space time to manifest our SuperPowers. We get to “see ourselves into existence”.

What if Anything is Possible?
What if, in fact, anything is possible? Would you be grateful for that? What if instead of it all feeling like it's all a lost cause, we could reroute this train heading toward a cataclysmic breakdown of society and culture and economy and survivalist mentality? What...

7 Welcome Signs That Your Fear Is Turning Into Freedom
We CAN be free from the notion that sh*t will continue to break loose and it’s all death and destruction from here. And there is a HUGE benefit to naming the shift…
We have to keep each other out of this limbic wasteland that continues to retraumatize us day in and day out…
…so we can help each other walk the path to a saner and more conscious future.

Why Purpose is Your GPS to Navigate the Firestorm of Change
Humanity in general has an indomitable spirit. I’ve been watching the sheer volume of people, organizations and businesses that are stepping up in the northern San Francisco Bay area to take care of the recent fires’ victims. Almost too many healers are willing to...

Why Being “Nice” Keeps You From Living Your Truth (and Purpose)
Do you ever have an itch to just NOT be so “nice”? I’m not talking about kindness or compassion or caring. I mean that deferential “nice” that happens when you hold inside what you’re really experiencing… what you see as the truth of the matter... because you think...

How to Experiment with (Not So Blind) Faith… and Live to Tell About It
Faith is believing in what’s possible, despite the prevailing data around you. In fact, a basic challenge to your faith is that what you see, and seems real, is not. It’s what makes the “unknown” so scary.

Why Knowing Yourself (For Sure) Can Be Hazardous
Living a purposeful life requires you to have a more fluid identity, letting go of your fixed beliefs, so you can evolve into a more authentic truth of who you really are, rather than who you currently think yourself to be.

Want More Resilience? New Tools for the New Rules
It’s time for you to get a Clear and Empowered subtle energy structure to stay safe and sane in a crazy world. Keeping your subtle energy structure clear and free of residue will not only help you “feel” better and less crazed, it will also give you more: confidence, energy, ease, empowerment, and more resilience to face the world.

Hack Your Energy: Increase Your Energetic Resilience (and Get More Focus, Meaning and Abundance)
Your much-larger-than-life-as-you-know-it Human Energy Structure can support you far more than you know, so that you can respond to life from a more resilient and empowered place. By doing so, you can be the most available human and energetic structure possible, to live into your true power and purpose.